The Enneagram in Relationships (English)
Understand how the different Enneagram-types build great partnerships in both the professional and private arena…. and learn more about how to attend to the relationship-issues created by the differnet world-views of the types.
The Enneagram in Relationships (Danish)
Understand how the different Enneagram-types build great partnerships in both the professional and private arena…. and learn more about how to attend to the relationship-issues created by the differnet world-views of the types.
The Enneagram Book (Danish)
Elementary book about the Enneagram explaining all the basics including communication style, feedback pattern, problem solving mode etc.
Succesfull Leadership (Danish)
Building your leadership capacity by understanding personal values and principles. Including Enneagram leadership styles and conversations for feedback.
Report: Excellence in Leadership
Based on 1.400 respondent the report bring a clear picture in how the Enneagram is used in leadership and teamwork.
324 days – that what it takes to build change (danish)
Using the Enneagram to create sustainable change in your personal and professional life, understanding the use to Next Level Competencies.